How do you fight cancer? Succinctly described as a “many-headed monster, which, each time a neck is severed, sprouts a head even fiercer and cleverer than before. You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating, indestructible.”1 With the advent of new technologies that allow us to resolve cancer down to individual cells, we are beginning to appreciate the heterogeneity of cancer that facilitates the ever-changing interactions between cancer cells, their niche, and the surrounding environment. Our hope is that cancer is not indestructible and the scientists in the Cancer and Cell Biology (CCB) Focus Area In CMB actively investigate ways to stop cancer by exploring all aspects of cancer initiation and progression, early detection, environmental causes, and response to therapies baked in-house and abroad.
Backed by the National Cancer Institute-designated UCI Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and the UCI Cancer Research Institute, the CCB Focus Group provides an abundance of resources to gain expertise in many areas of cancer research and a forum to share our research with the community. With access to scientists and clinicians from more than 32 departments across six schools at UCI, many opportunities exist for interactive and collaborative research in cancer discovery, clinical investigation, and population-based cancer research.
Featured Videos
Selma Masri
Biological Chemistry
Cancer and stem cell biology, immune microenvironment, young-onset cancer and circadian clock disruption
Nicholas Pannunzio
Biological Chemistry
Understanding how internal and external sources of DNA damage lead to oncogenic genome rearrangements in B cell malignancies
Olga Razorenova
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Internal (oncogenes/tumor suppressor genes) and external (tumor microenvironment) factors regulating tumor progression and metastasis.
Dr. Xiaoyu Shi
Developmental & Cell Biology
Structural Biology, Biochemistry, and Biophysics
- Lauren Veronica Albrecht, l.albrecht@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
Discovery of novel molecular pathways driving cell growth and tissue homeostasis in health and in disease. - Scott Atwood, satwood@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
The Atwood lab is interested in how stem cell heterogeneity drives epidermal homeostasis and disease using models of skin development and cancer. - Lee Bardwell, bardwell@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
We study cancer signaling pathways and other disease-relevant regulatory pathways, focusing on protein kinases, scaffold proteins, and transcription factors. We also do some computational/mathematical modeling. - Nick Baker, nebaker@uci.edum Microbiology and Molecular Genetics; Developmental & Cell Biology
We are interested in how cells interact within tissues, and especially what is the molecular basis of cell competition, how does it select the cells that form and regenerate organs, and how cellular competitiveness is affected by ribosome biogenesis and chromosomal aneuploidy to affect cancer and aging. - Claudia Benavente, claudia.benavente@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology Identifying therapeutic vulnerabilities in solid malignancies harboring RB1 mutations, with special emphasis on epigenetics.
- Daniela Bota, dbota@uci.edu, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
To understand the biology and to develop new translational approaches for neurologic malignancies and cancer-related cognitive impairments. - Remi Buisson, rbuisson@uci.edu, Biological Chemistry
The ongoing research program in the laboratory focuses on unexplored aspects of cellular transcription and translation regulation associated with viral infections and DNA damage. - Dongbao Chen, dongbaoc@uci.edu, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Uterine and placental hemodynamics, perinatal vascular biology, pregnancy complications - Phang-Lang Chen, plchen@uci.edu, Biological Chemistry
Dissecting DNA damage response pathway - Fangyuan Ding, dingfy@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
RNA biology and engineering, synthetic biology, single molecule imaging and quantification - Aimee Edinger, aedinger@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
Understanding endolysosomal trafficking and sphingolipid biology and translating these discoveries into new therapies for cancer, obesity, and other diseases - Mark Fisher, mfisher@hs.uci.edu, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Stroke, vascular neurobiology, blood-brain barrier, cerebral microvascular disease - Angela Fleischman, agf@uci.edu, Biological Chemistry
Role of inflammation in the development of hematologic malignancies. - David Fruman, dfruman@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
The focus of research in the Fruman Lab is targeted therapies to modulate signaling and metabolism in lymphocytes and leukemia cells. - Anand K. Ganesan, aganesan@uci.edu, Biological Chemistry
Our work understands how melanocytes respond to environmental cues in the context of skin disease and cancer. - Steve A. N. Goldstein, sgoldst2@uci.edu, Physiology & Biophysics
Ion channels in the heart, innate immune system, and nervous system in health and disease - Chris Halbrook, chris.halbrook@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
My lab is primarily focused on understanding mechanisms that support cancer development and resistance to therapy. - Christopher C.W. Hughes, cchughes@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Vascular biology with a focus on microphysiological systems, also called organ-on-chip technology. We work on cancer, neurological diseases, diabetes and vascular malformations - Mehboob Hussain, m.hussain@uci.edu, Biological Chemistry
My laboratory is focused on the biology of endocrine pancreatic cells, which synthesize and secrete the principal hormones that regulate blood sugar levels - Barbara Jusiak, bjusiak@uci.edu, Physiology & Biophysics
My lab combines mammalian synthetic biology and fruit fly (Drosophila) models to study cancer-host interactions and to engineer immune cells against cancer. - Peter Kaiser, pkaiser@uci.edu, Biological Chemistry
Our lab studies the ubiquitin proteasome pathway, cell cycle, and cancer metabolism, focusing on mechanism of diet/therapeutics interactions and development of mutant p53 reactivation compounds. - Mei Kong, meik1@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Nutritional microenvironment in tumor development and drug response, metabolism, epigenetics and cancer stem cells, protein phosphatase regulation in diabetes and obesity. - Young Jik Kwon, kwonyj@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Gene therapy, Nanomedicine, Cancer vaccines, Cell therapy - Devon A. Lawson, dalawson@uci.edu, Physiology & Biophysics
Cellular, molecular and genomic mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis - Thomas F. Martinez, t.martinez@uci.edu, Biological Chemistry
Unannotated microprotein discovery and characterization, proteomics, genomics, cell biology, protein biochemistry - Selma Masri, smasri@uci.edu, Biological Chemistry
Research in the Masri lab is aimed at understanding the relationship between disruption of circadian rhythms and tumorigenesis, with a major focus on immunology, metabolism and stem cell biology. -
Dan Mercola, dmercola@uci.edu, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Current emphasis is prostate cancer and the interaction of cancer cells and the microenvironment as examined by DNA sequencing and gene expression changes. The ethnic differences in tumor and microenvironment interaction are also being examined for European American and African American populations. - Nicholas Pannunzio, nrpann@uci.edu, Biological Chemistry
Cancer etiology, cancer genetics, genome integrity, DNA double-strand break repair, and cancer health disparities in underrepresented groups - Farah Rahmatpanah, frahmatp@uci.edu, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Prostate cancer disparities, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, bioinformatics, epigenetics -
Olga Razorenova, olgar@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
We focus on kidney and breast cancer. We study tumor suppressors and oncogenes, as well as tumor cell microenvironment (especially hypoxia). We are interested in tumor cell metabolism and metastasis. Our ultimate goal is to find critical molecular targets expressed by cancer cells for therapy design. -
Xiaoyu Shi, xiaoyu.shi@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
We develop super-resolution microscopy and spatial multiomics methods to study aging and cancer at from molecular to organ levels. - Benita Sjogren, jsjogren@uci.edu Biological Chemistry We study mechanisms that control Regulator of G protein Signaling (RGS) protein function and develop strategies for early drug discovery.
- Wenqi Wang, wenqiw6@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
Cancer signaling, oncogene, tumor supressors, organ size control, Hippo pathway, YAP/TAZ
Faculty – Secondary Affiliation
- Thomas Burke, tpburke@uci.edu, Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
We are developing novel innate immune agonist drugs for cancer therapy. We are investigating tumor microbiomes and microbial-based cancer therapies. - Dae Seok Eom, dseom@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
Long-range cell-to-cell communication via specialized cellular protrusions in development/homeostasis and disease contexts - Shane Gonen, gonens@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
The Gonen lab studies proteins implicated in disease by cryogenic electron microscopy, biochemistry and computational modelling - Matthew Griffin, griffin@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Our lab focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying host-microbiota interactions during cancer progression and treatment. - Steven Gross, sgross@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
I study how molecular motors function and are regulated, and also a new pathway in the innate immune system to kill bacteria. - Klemens Hertel, khertel@uci.edu, Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
Regulation of gene expression by alternative splicing, bioinformatics, human genetic disease - Michael Hicks, mrhicks1@hs.uci.edu, Physiology & Biophysics, Developmental & Cell Biology
Stem cell and gene therapies for skeletal muscle regeneration - Lan Huang, lanhuang@uci.edu, Physiology & Biophysics
Ubiquitin-proteasome dependent protein degradation, Proteomics, Protein-protein interactions, Structural biology, Biological mass spectrometry, Cancer, Neurodegenerative disorders - Cholsoon Jang, choljang@uci.edu , Biological Chemistry
Nutrition metabolism, metabolic diseases, mass spectrometry - Albert La Spada, alaspada@uci.edu, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Our research seeks the mechanisms that underlie neurodegeneration and neuron cell death in spinal & bulbar muscular atrophy, spinocerebellar ataxia type 7, Huntington’s Disease, ALS, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease, and by reproducing molecular pathology in mice and in neurons, astrocytes, and skeletal muscle cells derived from human patient stem cells, we are developing therapies to treat these diseases. - Arthur Lander, adlander@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
We study the Systems Biology of growth, development, birth defects and cancer. Mathematical and computational approaches are used extensively. - Pablo Lara-Gonzalez, plaragon@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
Molecular pathways that ensure accurate chromosome segregation in mitosis and their intersection with embryonic development; entry and exit from quiescence in response to nutrient signaling. - Wei Li, wei.li@uci.edu, Biological Chemistry
Computational Biomedicine: Epigenetics Liquid Biopsy and Alternative Polyadenylation Therapy - Ray Luo, rluo@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Our research interests are in the general area of computational structural biology and biophysics. We are particularly interested in computational analysis of solvation-mediated electrostatics and polarization effects in molecular recognition and disordered proteins in cancer biology and biosynthesis. - Grant R. MacGregor, gmacg@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
Function of FNDC3 proteins in development, homeostasis and reproduction; Improved mouse models of late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease. - Francesco Marangoni, f.marangoni@uci.edu, Physiology & Biophysics
Study of immune regulation using functional intravital microscopy - Matthew Marsden, mdmarsde@hs.uci.edu, Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
My research is primarily focused on HIV cure efforts and involves molecular analysis of latent HIV together with cellular and animal models of HIV infection. - Michael McClelland, mmcclell@uci.edu, Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
High-throughput genetics, evolution of Salmonella pathogenesis; bacterial therapy for cancer; cancer genomics and prognostic
Naomi Morrissette, nmorriss@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Tubulin and microtubules, tubulin targeting drugs in protozoan parasites, tubulin mutations - Stanley W.K. Ng, stanlewn@uci.edu Biological Chemistry
The Ng Lab uses multiple spatial and omics sequencing technologies to profile tissue clones and assess their contribution to overall disease state, treatment response, and patient outcomes - Shivashankar Othy, sothy@uci.edu Physiology & Biophysics
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Immune Regulation: Decoding Neuro-Immune Interactions, Vaccine Mechanisms, and Mechanosignaling in Immune System -
Michael J. Parsons, mparson1@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
Understanding how the pancreatic progenitors are regulated will inform how insulin-producing β cells are made and reveal transitions that occur during onset of pancreatic cancer. -
Jenn Prescher, jpresche@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
We develop chemical tools and noninvasive imaging strategies to spy on cellular communication
Feng Qiao, qiao@uci.edu, Biological Chemistry
Telomeres & telomerase and their roles in cancer and stem cell diseases; Structural, biochemical and molecular genetic analyses of ribonucleoprotein assemblies - Albert Siryaporn, asirya@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Bacterial pathogenesis, host-microbe interactions, antimicrobials, and biofilm development -
Christine Suetterlin, suetterc@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
We are studying the obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, which causes wide-spread STI, with focus on its developmental cycle and interactions with host cell organelles. -
Ming Tan, mingt@uci.edu, Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
Infectious Disease and Bacterial Pathogenesis Research on the intracellular bacterium Chlamydia: focus on gene regulation, host-pathogen interactions -
Katherine Thompson-Peer, ktpeer@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
Investigating how neurons respond and recover after injury -
Roberto Tinoco, rtinoco@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
We investigate T cell immune responses against viral infections and cancers. -
Francesco Tombola, ftombola@uci.edu, Physiology & Biophysics
Sensing mechanisms of the cellular microenvironment, ion channel physiology and pharmacology, development of new biosensors - Lisa Wagar, lwagar@hs.uci.edu, Physiology & Biophysics
Translational human immunology, adaptive immunity, organoids, vaccines and infectious diseases -
Rahul Warrior, rwarrior@uci.edu, Developmental & Cell Biology
The lab uses modern molecular and genetic approaches in Drosophila to study the regulation of proteoglycan synthesis and related questions in developmental and cell biology. -
Gregory Alan Weiss, gweiss@uci.edu, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
The Weiss Lab invents new technologies to dissect how life’s molecules work and then work to control, improve, and fix them. -
Kyoko Yokomori, kyokomor@uci.edu, Biological Chemistry
We study the mechanism and function of heterochromatin dynamics in human cells using muscular dystrophy FSHD and DNA damage response as the model systems.